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Book Chats


This monthly book club is dedicated to the fine art of slowing down, taking stock, and doing what we do best: talking about our favorite books. Like-minded booklovers from around the community gather - via Zoom! - to chat about a selected novel which has been making waves and capturing imaginations around [...]

ABC Open Mic – it’s all about you!


Open Mic is your chance to go public with your book, song or poem. Everyone is welcome! It is the perfect intimate setting for you to share your talents and express your creativity. Everyone gets their 5 minutes in the spotlight! Join us via Zoom. There is also an ABC Open Mic [...]

Book Chats


This monthly book club is dedicated to the fine art of slowing down, taking stock, and doing what we do best: talking about our favorite books. Like-minded booklovers from around the community gather - via Zoom! - to chat about a selected novel that has been making waves and capturing imaginations around the world.

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