We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us.


This time around we talk with Carla, our Marketing Manager.

What are your top 3 favorite books or authors?
Without a shadow of a doubt: Tolkien is my favorite author, and the Harry Potter series are my favorite books (but J. K. Rowling is my least favorite author, sadly).
I am a fan of all things fantasy, so I am very partial to C.S. Lewis, and it is no secret that I indulge in guilty pleasures by reading Sarah J. Maas.
A special place in my heart is always reserved for Gabriel García Márquez and Margarita by Rubén Darío.

What is your favorite genre to read?
Fantasy, Fantasy, Fantasy………………and Romantasy, especially if it’s spicy, and there are werewolves.

In which literary world would you like to live/go on vacation?
Narnia: I would love to talk to all the animals.

What is your favorite bookish animal (fiction or nonfiction)?
Aslan: the lines that describe how he creates the universe with his song always bring me to tears.

Do you have any reading tips for our customers (combine it with a cup of tea, background music, any preferred time of the day)?
Never underestimate the power of music: a good background makes all the difference when diving into reading realms.
I usually look for a playlist that fits the mood of the book (i.e.: “Victorian Dark Classical Music for reading Strings of Murder) and I usually find it on Spotify.

What non-book item at ABC can you not pass by without looking at it?
Tabletop games

Which book changed your (look on) life?
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: it came to me during a troublesome period in my life and gave me the inspiration I was craving.

What is your favorite part of working in a bookstore?
I love every aspect of marketing in general, but one of my favorite aspects of working at The American Book Center is organizing events with authors.
I also love brainstorming with the social media team on new ideas and features.
Oh! and of course, taking over social media during the Comic Cons :)

About the Author: Lilia