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Book Reviews

Triple take: I Who Have Never Known Men

One of our best-selling titles from 2024, I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman, is one of our biggest bookseller-driven bestsellers. What does that entail, you might ask? Well, our colleague Matty loved this book so much she couldn't stop recommending it to anyone within earshot, customers and staff members [...]

Reading Along with the 2023 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize Shortlist

Written by Sophie. Ursula K. Le Guin, 2016, picture by William Anthony. If you've ever seen my Staff Choice list, or any of my recent Top 5s, you'll know I'm a huge Ursula K. Le Guin stan. There's just something about her fantasy and her social science fiction stories [...]

Buddy reading “Funny Story”

By Naomi and Júlia Emily Henry is one of the biggest names in contemporary romantic fiction right now. Her books are consistent bestsellers, and three of them are being adapted into film. Her latest novel, Funny Story,  released April 24. Júlia (the romance buyer in The Hague) and I (a romance [...]

2024-04-28T18:14:05+02:00Tags: , , , , |

Happy Ace Awareness Day!

Written by Naomi April 6 is International Asexuality Day! It's an effort to recognize the asexual community and promote awareness of the spectrum of asexuality. The asexual or ace spectrum includes asexuality, where a person doesn't experience sexual attraction; graysexuality, which is when someone experiences little to no sexual attraction; [...]

2024-04-06T14:11:32+02:00Tags: , , , , |
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