We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us.


This time around we talk to Steven, our very special Special Order manager.

What are your top 3 favorite books or authors?
I don’t have a solid top 3 and usually prefer variety over reading ALL of one author’s work. That said, I really enjoy Douglas Adams’s brand of comedic absurdity, especially the earlier Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy books. I am also a big fan of Armistead Maupin’s Tales of the City series (again, especially the first couple of books). Non-fiction wise, I am a fan of David Sedaris’s dry sense of humor. In his case, I can recommend the audio books, as his delivery does really add something.

What is your favorite genre to read?
Genre-wise I tend to read Sci-Fi and occasionally Fantasy, while trying to avoid never-ending series. Despite that I recently got myself stuck in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives-series. I do also find myself reading more non-fiction recently.

In which literary world would you like to live/go on vacation?
I wouldn’t mind a stroll around Tolkien’s iconic fantasy world, though preferably steering clear of anything that is intending to kill me.

What is your favorite bookish animal?
The Neverending Story by Michael Ende was my favorite book when I was growing up, and I wouldn’t have minded flying around on Falkor the luck dragon.

Do you have any reading tips for our customers?
Don’t do what I tend to do and feel the need to have a long stretch of time and a perfect setting to read, as you will end up not reading very often. Allow yourself to just jump in even for a page or two while on the go. You will end up reading a lot more that way.

What non-book item at ABC can you not pass by without looking at it?
I am always checking out the games section, as I love me some boardgames, while wondering why some of the bad ones are much more popular than some very good ones. (I am a bit of a snob.)

Which book changed your (look on) life?
I’m not sure I can credit any specific book for changing my look on life dramatically. The books that had the most impact on me, were connecting to something in me that was already there. I guess the book that I wrote myself changed my look on life the most, as it forced me to do a lot of introspection. (Gay and Happy – the international guide for gay men, now fully online at iamgayandhappy.com)

What is your favorite part of being a bookseller ?
I like working with books specifically because they represent stories and ideas, rather than something completely tangible. I would get really bored working for a clothing store, I think.

What’s your secret for choosing the books you buy for your sections?
I am not a buyer, but do occasionally tip the buyer of the games section. I tend to go by positive reviews and buzz rather than what is the most commercial, so often he rightfully ignores me.

About the Author: Lilia