We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us.


This time around we talk to Vika, our Marketing intern and the person behind most DH posts on Instagram.

I love writing about books; therefore, I decided to participate in this series of interviews.

What are your top 3 favorite books or authors?
I guess this is the most difficult question for me. I cannot choose a book (even the top 5 or 10), since it always depends on what I am looking for. But I definitely can put my top 3 authors:
1. Edgar Allan Poe
2. Oscar Wilde
3. Franz Kafka
These authors stayed in my heart from school, especially Oscar Wilde and his biography. To my mind, people who have not read the book The Picture of Dorian Gray and only watched the movie got the wrong picture of Dorian Gray.

What is your favorite genre to read?
I could say almost everything, but I do not read/buy romance, although I love having the love line in other genres. As soon as it is not the main focus, this book is for me. However, my preferred genres would be:
1. Philosophical novels
2. Science fiction (post-apocalyptic literature, Haruki Murakami books)
3. Horror (Stephen King)
I love buying photo books as documentaries, because I love photography and it inspires me. Recently, I bought Genesis.

In which literary world would you like to live/go on vacation?
Definitely to the Middle-earth! I am planning to re-read The Lord of The Rings soon.

What is your favorite bookish animal?
Dragon. I love dragons. But if I had to pick one precise animal, it would be Hedwig from Harry Potter. Her loyalty and story from the first book stirred so many feelings.

Do you have any reading tips for our customers?
I think the most important thing is to not force yourself into reading. Sometimes when I am busy with other stuff, I start feeling like “I need to read,” “I should read” or “I must read more.” But I really do not have time, and my mind is wondering about other things. I am not able to focus even on one page.
It is important to find your time for reading. Maybe it is during traveling to work? Or on a lunch break? Or before going to bed?
Also, it is important to find your books. There are many popular books, even bestsellers, which I do not like or do not even look at because they are just not my types of books. And that is okay. Just find your favorites!
And do not feel ashamed of your taste!

What non-book item at ABC can you not pass by without looking at it?
Pins, notebooks with book characters on them and bookmarks. If a bookmark is really beautiful and standing near the cash register, I will probably grab it.

Which book changed your (look on) life?
The Metamorphosis by Kafka. It was not only the beginning of my journey of loving absurd literature, but also looking at my life from a different point of view. It made me realize so much, too much to write here.

What is your favorite part of working in a bookstore?
I am an intern who works with Carla, and actually, it is all about books for me.
Being in such a place inspires me to write.

About the Author: Lilia