A revised and updated edition of Emily Nagoski's game-changing New York Times bestseller Come As You Are, featuring new information and research on mindfulness, desire, and pleasure that will radically transform your sex life.

For much of the 20th and 21st centuries, women's sexuality was an uncharted territory in science, studied far less frequently -and far less seriously- than its male counterpart.

By Matty

I’m English, so it takes a lot for me to admit that I read a book about (gasp) sex, but Come as You Are is so worth the lifelong shame that I will bring on my family publicly admitting it.

That very same shame is one of the reasons this book is so vital.

Is everything we know about how our sex lives and drives work wrong? Turns out, pretty much yes. From why and how we might want sex, our fixed ideas of our own and our partner’s sexual identity and how and why it might change with different people to how situation can totally change your desire, so much in this book is a revelation.

Totally body and sexuality positive, I pretty much guarantee that reading this book will give you peace if you’re wanting to understand your sexuality and sex life better; even if you’re totally comfortable with your sexuality (really?) there’s still so much new to learn here.

  • Winter in Wartime
  • Come As You Are
  • My Year of Rest and Relaxation
  • Flowers for Algernon
  • Legends & Lattes
  • The Evenings
  • The Mimicking of Known Successes
  • Prophet Song
  • Dom Casmurro
  • Days at the Morisaki Bookshop