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Elfia Haarzuilens

Kasteel de Haar Haarzuilens

The Magic Returns! After two years, we are very much looking forward to joining you all again at Elfia! The kingdom of Elfia will finally reveal itself here again. The castle was once the venue for the most beautiful ball masques of the Baron and his family. Now salty mermaids, capsizing privateers, [...]

Book Chats


This monthly book club is dedicated to the fine art of slowing down, taking stock, and doing what we do best: talking about our favorite books. Like-minded booklovers from around the community gather - via Zoom! - to chat about a selected novel which has been making waves and capturing imaginations around the world.

50 YEARS OF ABC – Join the Party!

ABC Amsterdam Spui 12, Amsterdam

In 1972, two Americans opened up a bargain bookstore next to Madame Tussaud's in Amsterdam, selling remainder books and magazines from the US. Lynn Buller, a fellow American, joined them that same year - and she never left. She took over the company in 1983 along with her family. The American Book [...]

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