Written by Lauren

Born and bred Amsterdammer Natalia Lloyd has been working at The American Book Center in her home city for five years. The 31-year-old book buyer and seller, who identifies as gender nonconforming, has attended many Prides through the years and sees a welcome change.
“Pride was very often focused on white cisgender gay people,” she says. “But it’s getting better now, especially with the participation of QA. People are talking more about non-binary people and People of Colour (POC). It has to be more inclusive for everyone—gays, bisexuals, lesbians, trans, POC, everyone. Change takes time, but I’m glad it’s happening.”
Lloyd also likes that there are activities for everyone, from kids to seniors. “There are so many events—it’s not just a party or the Canal Parade,” she says. “And the political influence is good. Because Pride is not just a party. It’s important to remember where it came from. It started as a riot [Stonewall in New York in 1969].”
As for the pinkwashing claims, Lloyd says that she’s “often annoyed when I see big companies that are not queer-friendly putting rainbows everywhere. Putting rainbows on stuff is not enough.”