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Topical Tips: Valentine’s Day

by Damla There is something irresistible about classic romantic comedy movies from the ‘90s and 2000s: unrestrained humor and drama all rolled into one emotional rollercoaster with a safe formula that always delivers a heartwarmingly happy ending. So for this Valentine’s Day, find your perfect match in the new and upcoming [...]

The Gay Best Friend

As a people-pleasing gay man, thirty-year-old music lawyer Domenic Marino is an expert at code-switching between the hypermasculine and ultrafeminine worlds of his two soon-to-be-wed best friends: handsome sports attorney Patrick Cooper and glamorous beauty editor Kate Wallace. But this summer—reeling from his own failed engagement and tasked with attending both their bachelor and bachelorette parties at the Cooper family’s idyllic shoreline estate in Mystic, Connecticut—Dom is anxious about having to play both sides.

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