Written by Natalia

There are many bookish podcasts out there, with something for everyone. If you have no idea where to start or which one to download, here are my top 5 bookish podcasts.

For fantasy and science fiction lovers, there is the entertaining SFF YEAH! podcast. A biweekly podcast in which the hosts talk nothing but speculative fiction, listeners stay up-to-date on the latest news and highly anticipated new reads. And, of course, the hosts Sharifah and Jenn review and discuss popular and lesser-known speculative fiction titles.

Reading Women is a biweekly podcast hosted by two women whose mission is to celebrate and share their love for stories by and about women. Each month they choose a theme and review about two to three books that focus on it. Think Black joy, mental illness and nature. In each episode, they also interview two to three authors who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and across all genres. From literary fiction to psychology books, they cover all the bases. Even though the podcast wrapped in 2021, the previous episodes are worth a listen, with plenty to keep you entertained.

This podcast is hosted by Renata and Kait, who talk about “popular books of questionable quality.” For each episode, they choose one to read and discuss with a guest host. The fun part is that Renata and Kait don’t take themselves too seriously, but enjoy discussing why certain books have become popular and whether or not you should read them, too. They have discussed popular #BookTok titles such as It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover and The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, but also many past bestsellers such as Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory. My favorite part of the podcast is when they recommendations for similar books or suggest what to read instead.

What Should I Read Next? is the perfect podcast for readers who don’t know what book to pick for their next read. Podcast host and writer Anne Bogel interviews readers for each episode who talk about what they’re currently reading, what they like, don’t like or even hate. But most importantly, Anne Bogel makes recommendations for what to read…next. So be prepared to add many new books to your probably already immense to-be-read list.

Boring Books for Bedtime is a weekly “sleep podcast” for anyone who has trouble snoozing, is stressed-out and just wants to shut down the endless train of thoughts running through their tired minds. The podcast is currently hosted and produced by Sharon Handy, who in each episode reads from old books that are not all that interesting (for some people) to help you fall asleep. Think of books such as The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, Farm Engines & How to Run Them, How to See the British Museum in Four Visits, and Utopia by Sir Thomas More. To aid you in your relaxation, Sharon’s soothing voice is accompanied by binaural soundscapes. Take it from me: you will probably not hear the end of an episode because you will be fast asleep.