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Elfia Haarzuilens

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The Magic Returns!

After two years, we are very much looking forward to joining you all again at Elfia!

The kingdom of Elfia will finally reveal itself here again. The castle was once the venue for the most beautiful ball masques of the Baron and his family. Now salty mermaids, capsizing privateers, sordid mages, vicious vampires and jolly damsels will take over the estate.


There is only one solution to properly describe Elfia, and that is: to experience it! And even if you come alone or with a group of friends; you will get the same feeling: that you are never dreaming this fantasy called Elfia alone.

The ABC will be there with a selection of books, comics and manga, tabletop game books, merchandise… anything you need to take a piece of Elfia home with you!

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