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Nina Siegal

Nina Siegal on Banned Books

Written by Lauren Author and New York Times culture writer Nina Siegal has written four books, three novels including The Anatomy Lesson, and most recently, the nonfiction The Diary Keepers, the story of World War II as told through the words of ordinary Dutch residents who lived through it. A native [...]

2023-09-20T13:19:44+02:00Tags: , , , |

The Diary Keepers: eyewitness accounts of World War II

Based on select writings from a collection of more than two thousand Dutch diaries written during World War II in order to record this unparalleled time, and maintained by devoted archivists, The Diary Keepers illuminates a part of history we haven’t seen in quite this way before, from the stories of a Nazi sympathizing police officer to a Jewish journalist who documented daily activities at a transport camp.

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