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ABC Interview: Shirley

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk to Shirley, bookseller [...]

ABC Interview: Emma

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk to Emma, our [...]

ABC Interview: Jilles

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk with Jilles, [...]

ABC Staff Picks: Season 4 kick off!

Luke and Iris discuss books and interview author Natali Simmonds. In the new season of our ABC Staff Picks, Luke and Iris are back discussing the books they and their colleagues are loving right now. They also interview author Natali Simmonds about her new book, Good Girls Die [...]

Nina Siegal on Banned Books

Written by Lauren Author and New York Times culture writer Nina Siegal has written four books, three novels including The Anatomy Lesson, and most recently, the nonfiction The Diary Keepers, the story of World War II as told through the words of ordinary Dutch residents who lived through it. A native [...]

2023-09-20T13:19:44+02:00Tags: , , , |

How we work

The book buyer: Lynn Kaplanian-Buller interviews Lília Visser Lilia is a seasoned ABC book buyer. Asked how she would define a good one, she says the most important characteristic for book buyers is listening to customers. Besides that, a book buyer must keep an eye on what sells, its [...]

2023-01-25T17:01:46+01:00Tags: , , |

Conversations with customers

Marie is a good example of a “growing up with ABC” customer: niece of our Sophie, she has known the ABC since she was born. Her ABC store may have changed from The Hague to Amsterdam, where she moved to study and work, but her loyalty remains the same. [...]

2023-01-07T13:40:18+01:00Tags: , , |

Conversations with customers

Lauren Lauren is not only a customer but also our blog editor. She’s an avid reader, so when she moved to the Netherlands back in 1996 to work as a journalist, she just had to find the ABC. ABC Lília: Hi Lauren, great talking to you! Lauren: Thanks, [...]

2022-12-09T13:23:46+01:00Tags: , , |
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