We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us.


This time around we talk to Emma, our own personal folklore and everything mystical specialist in The Hague.

What are your top 3 favorite books or authors?
J.K. Rowling, Arthur Conan Doyle and Lewis Carroll (in no particular order).

Do you have any reading tips for our customers?
I think I would recommend reading with a fantasy ambience video playing in the background. Some are really nice, with purring dragons or enchanted forests! But I also love reading with a cup of coffee in the corner of a cozy cafe.

What non-book item at ABC can you not pass by without looking at it?
Beautifully designed Tarot decks, like ‘Ethereal Visions’!

Which book changed your (look on) life?
I think Cackle by Rachel Harrison. It is a Fantasy/Horror book, but the underlying message is very empowering and self-accepting. A very refreshing take on books with a similar storyline.

What is your favorite part of being a bookseller?
I like helping and advising customers. I also always feel a bit humble when customers ask us for a recommendation because they put their trust in our expertise as booksellers. And I like that you have to find out which genres to look for while finding the book with the topics of interest for the customer. It can be tricky recommending a book in a genre I do not read myself, but luckily, I have colleagues who read a lot and there is probably always one present who can help out!

What’s your secret for choosing the books you buy for your sections?
Mmm…depends a bit on the section, I think, but for non-fiction, I like to go on Google and just type in a certain topic and see what appears and then do some research on the book in question. Also, looking for works by authors I like helps me find more books for my sections. I like the whimsical, so I am usually drawn to books with a hint of that for my sections.

What is your favorite bookish animal?
A Pygmy Puff from the Harry Potter books. So cute…they are said to come in different shades of pink and purple. Must be so fun to have as a pet!

What is your favorite genre to read?
Fantasy, non-fiction (mostly folklore, lifestyle or nature), and some general fiction classics.

In which literary world would you like to live/go on vacation?
Ooh, that is a good one…. I would like to go on vacation to Wonderland and explore, but on the other hand, Rowling’s Wizarding World always feels very cozy and mysterious to me. I would love to live in the latter!

About the Author: Lilia