• R.I.P. Alice Munro, who died on May 13th. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013.
  • For Independent Bookstore Day in the US (sadly no longer celebrated here on account of King’s Day/Memorial Day/Liberation Day all happening then too), the president of children’s book publisher Nosy Crow decided to visit 16 bookstores on a 150-mile bike ride around Massachussetts. What a fun idea!
  • Want to be a better writer? Become a translator. An interesting look at translators and how their own literary ambitions were shaped by their work. (An alternative suggestion, according to queen Ursula K. Le Guin herself, is to write.)
  • After the PEN/America gala was boycotted by half the nominees over its lack of a stance on the war in Gaza, the Hay Literary Festival is facing a similar boycott by artists who are against sponsor Baillie Gifford’s links to Israel and fossil fuel companies.
  • Sorry, no bookish events this time, I’ve run out of time! Check our events page instead. ;-)