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News & Trending

Wondering what’s happening in the vast and dynamic world of ABC? Well, worry no more because we got you covered with the latest on books, trends, stories, and much more.

Reading along with the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize shortlist

Written by Sophie. Last year I wrote about reading along with the 2023 Ursula K. le Guin Prize shortlist. Reading along has become something of an annual literary pilgrimage for me since the prize's inception in 2022, so I'm writing about it again (and again as long as the ABC Blog [...]

5 Books on Women’s Sexuality

By Lília We talk a lot about equality for women, equal pay, ownership of our own bodies, but we tend to keep sexuality apart. Maybe because in many cultures people don't discuss it in any form. But mostly because if women take over their own sexuality, they can and will ask [...]

Winter Writer’s Night: A tradition is born

By Lauren Last month, ABC hosted the first of our planned Writer’s Nights, where writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, booksellers, and readers come together to share and celebrate stories, whether their own or somebody else’s they’re helping put out into the world. Our talent wall was full with snippets of novels, short [...]

D&D evening in Amsterdam

By Mike Scoop! D&D initiative Dobbelgangers has made history with the first ever D&D night at the ABC. Six tables spread out over the three floors of our Amsterdam store hosted over thirty first-time and experienced adventurers. Blasts were had in a diverse range of in-game settings, ranging from North African [...]

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