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Book review: Starling House

Starling House by Alix E. Harrow Opal Gravely has spent her life obsessed with the mysterious Starling House – but when its reclusive heir offers her a job, she discovers there may be monsters lurking within. This is a sweeping, Gothic fairytale from Hugo, Nebula and Locus Award-shortlisted Alix E. [...]

2025-02-09T12:39:55+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

VI: ABC Top 5 2024: Klaartje, Jouke and IrisW

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, [...]

Farewell ABC Staff Picks

By Lília All good things must come to an end. And so, we say goodbye to our ABC Staff Picks on YouTube. Thanks to everyone who watched us over the years. A big thanks to hosts Luke and Iris and all our expert booksellers who have given [...]

Summery Reads recommended by us!

After a year and a half of autumn, the sun and the warmth are beginning to show their faces, and I, for one, couldn't be happier! For me, summer is the ultimate reading time: the sunlight, the long days, the birdsong - it all whispers "find a shady spot, wiggle your [...]

ABC Staff Picks: The birthday edition

By Lília Continuing with the celebration of our 52 years of existence, ABC’s Iris and Luke asked colleagues their book choices for the occasion. Most of them revolved around the lives of normal people in somewhat exceptional settings (reminiscent of ABC!), with overcoming adversity a prominent theme. No one chose it, [...]

ABC Staff Picks – Spring 2024

After a little time off to smell the spring flowers, we’re back with our staff picks! Luke and Iris love doing them. They get to ask our colleagues what they’re reading and loving and what our customers are enjoying. And of course, they get to talk about [...]

What to read this Black History Month

Written by Lauren It’s February, which means it’s Black History Month in the United States and Canada, a celebration and recognition of Black culture and history and its enduring legacy in lands far removed from the African continent. At the ABC, we’ve put together a list of reading recommendations for Black [...]

Staff Picks: Gift Edition 2023

Written by Lília Winter and Gift Season have arrived in our part of the world, so it’s time to talk about special editions and new titles to up our present ante! We have a huge pile of recommendations and also some advice: get your books and presents ASAP. The [...]

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