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International Booker Prize shortlist

ABC Bestsellers – September 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

Booker Prize 2024 – the Shortlist

On September 16 The Booker Prize 2024 Shortlist was finally announced! As mentioned on their website: "The shortlist includes five women, authors from five countries, and stories which transport readers around the world and beyond Earth's atmosphere." The list includes a retelling of Huckleberry Finn, a title that also made the [...]

What I’d Rather Not Think About

What if one half of a pair of twins no longer wants to live? What if the other can’t live without them? This question lies at the heart of Jente Posthuma’s deceptively simple What I’d Rather Not Think About. The narrator is a twin whose brother has recently taken his own life. She looks back on their childhood, and tells of their adult lives: how her brother tried to find happiness, but lost himself in various men and the Bhagwan movement, though never completely.

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