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ABC Events

At ABC we try to be more than ‘just’ a book store. For that reason, we provide our customers with different events and experiences ranging from open mic nights, book signings, scavenger hunts, lectures, and much more.

Winter Writer’s Night: A tradition is born

By Lauren Last month, ABC hosted the first of our planned Writer’s Nights, where writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, booksellers, and readers come together to share and celebrate stories, whether their own or somebody else’s they’re helping put out into the world. Our talent wall was full with snippets of novels, short [...]

D&D evening in Amsterdam

By Mike Scoop! D&D initiative Dobbelgangers has made history with the first ever D&D night at the ABC. Six tables spread out over the three floors of our Amsterdam store hosted over thirty first-time and experienced adventurers. Blasts were had in a diverse range of in-game settings, ranging from North African [...]

2025-03-17T16:26:56+01:00Tags: , , , , |

ABC at Heroes Dutch Comic Con

By Vika The American Book Center made a triumphant return to Heroes Dutch Comic Con (HDDC) this June, continuing our long-standing tradition of being a beloved fixture at this best-in-class event. Comics, manga, and science fiction & fantasy enthusiasts were treated to an exceptional selection at the ABC pop-up bookstore. Three [...]

2024-07-18T11:05:09+02:00Tags: , , |

Management guru David Allen: “I didn’t use drugs to escape, but to discover”

By Hilda Bouma The American productivity guru David Allen wrote Team: Getting Things Done with Others, a sequel to his bestseller Getting Things Done. This article originally appeared in Het Financieele Dagblad on June 20, 2024. It’s been translated from the Dutch and edited slightly for space and clarity. One in five [...]

Bookbuzz Launch & Q&A

We are celebrating the launch of BookBuzz today! Friday, May 10th 17:00-18:30 ABC Amsterdam, Spui 12 1012XA Come join us and Stefaan, one of the brains behind BookBuzz, to get to know the app, ask questions, and talk books. During our birthday weekend, you might have [...]

2024-05-08T13:19:48+02:00Tags: , |
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