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Lynn was born in Minnesota, USA, in 1949. Her first sentence was ” O, datta boek!” Her mother read to her before their afternoon nap and took her to the library weekly, where they always checked out the maximum number of books.
Although she thought she’d be a writer someday, she’s spent 50 years co-creating bookstores instead. The urge to write a little bit once in a while is satisfied by making blog posts about things few others will remember.

ABC Staff Picks – Spring 2024

After a little time off to smell the spring flowers, we’re back with our staff picks! Luke and Iris love doing them. They get to ask our colleagues what they’re reading and loving and what our customers are enjoying. And of course, they get to talk about [...]

What to read this Black History Month

Written by Lauren It’s February, which means it’s Black History Month in the United States and Canada, a celebration and recognition of Black culture and history and its enduring legacy in lands far removed from the African continent. At the ABC, we’ve put together a list of reading recommendations for Black [...]

IV: ABC Top 5 2023 Edition: Júlia, Natalia and Lynn

Here we go again with our 5(ish) favorite reads of 2023! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s not always possible. So, there may be five or six suggestions, an A and a B list, memorable reads or just plain marvelous books. This year we’re presenting [...]

Staff Picks: Summer 2023 Edition

Written by Lília In our summer edition of the ABC Staff Picks, the last of this season, Luke and Bella are back highlighting many different genres, including quite a few translated works. We also have crime, romance, horror, memoirs, fantasy, general fiction, art and more! Read on! Crime [...]

Moving Down the Kalverstraat, 1986

Written by Lynn One day in 1986, a man approached me at the cash desk and asked, “Wouldn’t you like to have a bigger store?” Well, yes. “The Mothercare company just down the street is pulling out,” he told me. “The man who agreed to take over the rent has backed [...]

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