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Ester is one of the booksellers at the The Hague store. She works for the ABC since 2007 and still loves her job. She is the buyer for the Philosophy and True Crime & Law section. When she is not working she reads, plays video games, watches all kinds of detective series, draws and cares for her dog Puk. She used to read general fiction, but is now hooked on Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Romantic Fiction. Her all time favorite book must be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Book-to-screen adaptations: The love edition

written by Lília With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we thought we’d home in on screen adaptations of romantic fiction. Because who hasn’t heard of or watched – maybe many times! –adaptions of Jane Austen’s books such as Pride and Prejudice and Emma, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre or Emily Brontë’s [...]

Manga Madness Q4 2022

compiled by Lília and Ester Manga madness: what’s coming out in the last quarter of 2022! The end of 2022 is fast approaching, which means it’s time to present the last Manga releases of the year. There will be six new series, six new titles from ongoing series and two new [...]

2022-09-19T14:24:30+02:00Tags: , , , |

Manga madness Q3 2022

And here we are with the highly anticipated Manga titles coming out in July, August and September. As usual, we have a list featuring new series and another with new issues from ongoing series. We even have a couple of stand-alone titles this time around! New Series [...]

2022-09-08T12:12:53+02:00Tags: , , , |

Manga madness

Spring saw the release of a plethora of new Manga titles, both for new series and established ones. Here are our favorites. And as usual, if you can’ find what you’re looking for, get in touch with us and we will look for you! New series [...]

2022-09-08T12:13:24+02:00Tags: , , , |

Pride and Prejudice

"The garrulous and empty-headed Mrs Bennet has only one aim - that of finding a good match for each of her five daughters. In this, she is mocked by her cynical and indolent husband. When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. This is an ironic novel of manners. "

2025-02-11T14:56:12+01:00Tags: , , , |
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