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ABC staff picks

Staff Picks Spring 2023 Edition

Written by Lília Luke and Iris are back with our latest Staff Picks—those books we’ve been reading and enjoying or books that might be coming out one of these days. From escapism to information to music, there’s something for everyone. Starting on a happy note, Lília, our romance [...]

ABC Staff Picks

Luke and Iris W. are back with our first ABC Staff Picks of 2023. Think cozy titles, biographies, science fiction novellas, a YA horror title and much more…. As the books buyer for Amsterdam’s film section, Luke chose two quite different memoirs from two famous authors. Both have similar themes about [...]

ABC Staff Picks

written by Lília Halloween may be over, but we’re still in a ghostly mood. If you’re looking for some horror recommendations to counter all that holiday good cheer, read on… Syarah, from Amsterdam, recommends Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz. Set in Edinburgh in 1817, it tells [...]

ABC Staff Picks

written by Lília Nothing beats curling up on the couch with a blanket, book and (hot) beverage in the autumn months. We’ve got some great new titles for you spanning the genres—starting with true story-based fiction, passing through pure romantic escapism and falling finally into the magical world of translation. (You’ll [...]

ABC Staff Picks Summer Reading

written by Lília Summer has arrived in all its sweltering glory—or horror—and Luke, Iris and yours truly have chosen books – and games! – we consider perfect vacation reads and activities wherever the warm months find you. They’re mostly light, romantic, mysterious, historical and generally fantastic. Romantic and crime fiction are [...]

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