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Best of Lists

Romancing the trope

written by Maria Some people love tropes. Others despise them. Unfortunately, many are poorly done. But when a trope is done well, it can take a book from just okay to a bestseller. Here are my (very subjective) picks of the best and the worst romance tropes. [...]

2022-09-03T12:21:11+02:00Tags: , |

Manga madness Q3 2022

And here we are with the highly anticipated Manga titles coming out in July, August and September. As usual, we have a list featuring new series and another with new issues from ongoing series. We even have a couple of stand-alone titles this time around! New Series [...]

2022-09-08T12:12:53+02:00Tags: , , , |

Manga madness

Spring saw the release of a plethora of new Manga titles, both for new series and established ones. Here are our favorites. And as usual, if you can’ find what you’re looking for, get in touch with us and we will look for you! New series [...]

2022-09-08T12:13:24+02:00Tags: , , , |

What to Read When You’re In a Reading Slump

What to Read When You’re In a Reading Slump? Top 5 Books to Get You Back Into Your Reading Groove written by Natalia Ever find yourself struggling with reading and wondering if it’s you or the book? Knowing that you want to read but nothing is doing it for you? Sometimes [...]

2022-08-27T14:15:10+02:00Tags: , |

ABC Staff Picks Summer Reading

written by Lília Summer has arrived in all its sweltering glory—or horror—and Luke, Iris and yours truly have chosen books – and games! – we consider perfect vacation reads and activities wherever the warm months find you. They’re mostly light, romantic, mysterious, historical and generally fantastic. Romantic and crime fiction are [...]

2023-04-06T12:02:28+02:00Tags: , , |

ABC Staff Picks April 2022

The Circus Infinite is Khan Wong’s debut novel. Published in March 2022, it has a complicated intergalactic setting that includes different species and heritages. The main character has a unique ability, and after being extensively studied, he decides to run away to the “pleasure moon,” where he encounters a circus. [...]

2023-04-06T12:02:30+02:00Tags: , , |

Pulitzer Prizes 2022

It’s that time of the year again: the winners of the prestigious Pulitzer awards for achievements in literature were recently announced! Let’s take a look. Fiction The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in The History of a Very Famous Family [...]

2022-08-27T14:21:44+02:00Tags: , , |

Judge A Book By Its Cover

The Top 5 Best YA Covers of 2021 As the saying goes, I know we are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but with these covers that will be hard. They are extremely eye catching and some of them may be the reason my To-Be-Read pile is so [...]

2022-08-27T14:24:27+02:00Tags: , , |
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