Maria is the YA and Animals buyer in the Amsterdam store. She’s also a bookseller, warehouse and order-department employee. She has always loved the ABC store and went regularly as a customer before she started working here. Maria studied animal care and she is obsessed with birds and fantasy. So the YA and animals section are a perfect fit. She loves to play video-games when she is not reading or listening to metal music. Reading is her favorite hobby because it takes her out of everyday life and into a world where anything can happen, and there is always some adventure to be had.
ABC’s Maria interviewed about #BookTok
You might have heard about the book-centric trend within the TikTok universe under the hashtag BookTok. And if you haven't, this interview with ABC's Young Adult seller will fill you in. Please note that the video is in Dutch. Thanks to Carlijn Pierens and Rafaelle van Nispen from De Nieuwsredactie of [...]