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Bookseller, stock buyer, display maker & general Store Mama at ABC The Hague & ABC Leidschendam. Cat person, easily bribed with Nutella, preferred state of being = barefoot in the garden.

ABC Staff Picks

Luke and Iris W. are back with our first ABC Staff Picks of 2023. Think cozy titles, biographies, science fiction novellas, a YA horror title and much more…. As the books buyer for Amsterdam’s film section, Luke chose two quite different memoirs from two famous authors. Both have similar themes about [...]

Book-to-screen adaptations: The love edition

written by Lília With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we thought we’d home in on screen adaptations of romantic fiction. Because who hasn’t heard of or watched – maybe many times! –adaptions of Jane Austen’s books such as Pride and Prejudice and Emma, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre or Emily Brontë’s [...]

Conversations with customers

Marie is a good example of a “growing up with ABC” customer: niece of our Sophie, she has known the ABC since she was born. Her ABC store may have changed from The Hague to Amsterdam, where she moved to study and work, but her loyalty remains the same. [...]

2023-01-07T13:40:18+01:00Tags: , , |

ABC Top 5: 2022 Edition

Here we go again with our 5(ish) favorite reads of 2022. We try very hard to keep to 5, but it’s not always possible. So, there may be 5 or 6, an A and a B list, memorable reads or just plain marvelous books. We hope you enjoy it and [...]

ABC Staff Picks

written by Lília Nothing beats curling up on the couch with a blanket, book and (hot) beverage in the autumn months. We’ve got some great new titles for you spanning the genres—starting with true story-based fiction, passing through pure romantic escapism and falling finally into the magical world of translation. (You’ll [...]

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