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Bookseller, stock buyer, display maker & Girl Friday at ABC The Hague & ABC Leidschendam. Cat person, easily bribed with Nutella, preferred state of being = barefoot in the garden.

Life as a Bookseller: Amsterdam Book Event

By Sophie. One of the perks of being a bookseller is that sometimes you get invited to things like the Amsterdam Book Event, hosted by Van Ditmar Books. This year Bruna and Tiemen from the Amsterdam team and Naomi, Júlia, and myself from the The Hague/Leidschendam team were the lucky ones. [...]

Reading Along with the 2023 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize Shortlist

Written by Sophie. Ursula K. Le Guin, 2016, picture by William Anthony. If you've ever seen my Staff Choice list, or any of my recent Top 5s, you'll know I'm a huge Ursula K. Le Guin stan. There's just something about her fantasy and her social science fiction stories [...]

Farewell ABC Staff Picks

By Lília All good things must come to an end. And so, we say goodbye to our ABC Staff Picks on YouTube. Thanks to everyone who watched us over the years. A big thanks to hosts Luke and Iris and all our expert booksellers who have given [...]

Summery Reads recommended by us!

After a year and a half of autumn, the sun and the warmth are beginning to show their faces, and I, for one, couldn't be happier! For me, summer is the ultimate reading time: the sunlight, the long days, the birdsong - it all whispers "find a shady spot, wiggle your [...]

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