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About Carla

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So far Carla has created 21 blog entries.

Judge A Book By Its Cover

The Top 5 Best YA Covers of 2021 As the saying goes, I know we are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but with these covers that will be hard. They are extremely eye catching and some of them may be the reason my To-Be-Read pile is so [...]

2022-08-27T14:24:27+02:00Tags: , , |

5 Books That Will Help You to Improve in Business and Leadership

5 Books That Will Help You to Improve in Business and Leadership Today we have selected 5 incredibly inspiring titles that can help you start and improve your own business. Whether you have just started your own activity, need a guide on how to manage your employees or want to learn [...]


Book-to-screen adaptations: Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

Books to movies - Bridgerton by Julia Quinn The second season of Bridgerton is approaching at a quick pace and those waiting for it to start, including myself,  are getting antsy. How to solve this? Read the books, of course. But, wait! Books?!? But Bridgerton is a TV series!  Most viewers [...]

2024-07-21T11:13:09+02:00Tags: , |

ABC Staff Picks February 2022

Here are our recommendations for February! And here we are again with a new episode of our ABC Staff Picks, with titles that have been recently released, will come out shortly, or we’re just simply really excited about. Today we present 9 very different titles, from Crafts, to Sci-Fi, middle-grade and even [...]

2023-04-06T12:02:31+02:00Tags: , , |

New year, new goals: our staff’s reading goals for 2022

Whenever January comes around, many people set New Year’s resolutions such as eating healthier, exercising more often, or being more productive. As booksellers and book lovers, there’s another resolution that’s important to us: reading more books. Although the first months of this new year are over already, there’s still plenty of [...]

2022-06-16T16:15:30+02:00Tags: |

New Year, New Skill: The Craft Of Sewing

Learn How to Sew: Techniques and Dressmaking Don’t we all have those years when we decide to go for the New Year’s Resolutions and half way January we just fall short on our decisions? We want to lose weight, to exercise more, to stop smoking and such, but couldn’t follow up? [...]

2022-06-16T16:17:40+02:00Tags: |

ABC Staff Picks January 2022

Here are our recommendations for January! Our own Iris from The Hague and Luke from Amsterdam just started again with our ABC picks live videos, where they present the titles we’re most excited about. Titles that have been recently released, or will be released shortly, and what they are all about. [...]

2023-04-06T12:02:33+02:00Tags: |
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