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Staff Choices

Convergence of Desire

An insatiable rake falls for an eccentric genius. Too bad she’s his innocent bride, and he has vowed never to touch her. Harriet “Harry” Lovelock lives a life of the mind, and she knows she can prove a theorem that has baffled male mathematicians for two centuries. But her stepmother wants her married and the swirl of the Season saps Harry’s energy and distracts her from her work. She has to put an end to the tedium of balls. Now. Full stop. Thomas Drake, the Earl Drake, devotes himself to the pleasures of the flesh, even as he wrestles with his own demons and intractable problems. He needs to marry wealth, but could he ever be satisfied by just one woman?

Staff Choices: what we’ve read and loved – Part 4

Put together by Lília Written by EmmaS, Bob, Isabelle, IrisM, Maria and Naomi. In this Part 4 of our Staff Choices we again present titles chosen by ABC colleagues, and everyone has their own reasons for loving them. Read on to see what they are. You might even find one or [...]

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