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Emily Henry

ABC Bestsellers – May 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

Summery Reads recommended by us!

After a year and a half of autumn, the sun and the warmth are beginning to show their faces, and I, for one, couldn't be happier! For me, summer is the ultimate reading time: the sunlight, the long days, the birdsong - it all whispers "find a shady spot, wiggle your [...]

ABC Bestsellers – April 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

Buddy reading “Funny Story”

By Naomi and Júlia Emily Henry is one of the biggest names in contemporary romantic fiction right now. Her books are consistent bestsellers, and three of them are being adapted into film. Her latest novel, Funny Story,  released April 24. Júlia (the romance buyer in The Hague) and I (a romance [...]

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