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News & Trending

Wondering what’s happening in the vast and dynamic world of ABC? Well, worry no more because we got you covered with the latest on books, trends, stories, and much more.

Buddy reading “Funny Story”

By Naomi and Júlia Emily Henry is one of the biggest names in contemporary romantic fiction right now. Her books are consistent bestsellers, and three of them are being adapted into film. Her latest novel, Funny Story,  released April 24. Júlia (the romance buyer in The Hague) and I (a romance [...]

2024-04-28T18:14:05+02:00Tags: , , , , |

ABC Staff Picks – Spring 2024

After a little time off to smell the spring flowers, we’re back with our staff picks! Luke and Iris love doing them. They get to ask our colleagues what they’re reading and loving and what our customers are enjoying. And of course, they get to talk about [...]

The International Booker Prize 2024: The Shortlist

Written by Lauren Always looking for good book recs, we at ABC love spring’s literary award season. Last week, the International Booker Prize 2024 shortlist was announced in recognition of “the best works of literature originally written in languages other than English which have been translated and published in the UK [...]

ABC Bestsellers – March 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]


Book-to-screen: the crime fiction edition

Written by Naomi Crime fiction is a popular genre, probably because it's a pretty broad one. Spy thrillers, cozy crime, detective fiction and psychological thrillers all fall under its umbrella. That might be why it appeals to a variety of readers, and also why crime fiction is frequently adapted into movies [...]

Book-to-screen: the sci-fi edition

Written by Lília With the second part of Dune finally being released, I started thinking about all the sci-fi books that have been made into films or TV series and was amazed to find there are many more films and series based on books than I [...]

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