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News & Trending

Wondering what’s happening in the vast and dynamic world of ABC? Well, worry no more because we got you covered with the latest on books, trends, stories, and much more.

ABC History – Freight and the Sunday New York Times

Written by Lynn Of course, we had no idea when opening an English language bookstore full of remainder books how vital freight services would become for our survival. (Just as most people didn’t think about logistics and supply chains until Covid hit.) At first, our books came from Baltimore on pallets [...]

2023-03-28T11:09:58+02:00Tags: , , , |

Plastic, not so fantastic

Written by  Iris W. Starting in April, our plastic bags will be increasing in price: from 10 cents to 30 cents a bag. If that sounds like a lot for a simple plastic carrier bag, well—that's kind of the point! Allow us to explain. Back in 2016, EU regulations regarding plastic [...]


Women’s History Month at ABC – What to read

Written by Natalia March is International Women’s History Month, during which we celebrate contributions to history, society and culture by women. The United States initiated this month in the late seventies, but the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada also celebrate it. In The Netherlands, we also celebrate International Women’s Day on [...]

Notes from a sewist: 7 Books on Mending, Upcycling and Repurposing those clothes you love

Written by Lília We all have t-shirts with tears, socks with holes in the heel, jeans torn from the friction between our thighs. You get the idea. Most of the time, the garments we’ve loved to death are all still very wearable, if not for those pesky details. So, what can [...]

ABC Staff Picks

Luke and Iris W. are back with our first ABC Staff Picks of 2023. Think cozy titles, biographies, science fiction novellas, a YA horror title and much more…. As the books buyer for Amsterdam’s film section, Luke chose two quite different memoirs from two famous authors. Both have similar themes about [...]

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