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Triple take: I Who Have Never Known Men

One of our best-selling titles from 2024, I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman, is one of our biggest bookseller-driven bestsellers. What does that entail, you might ask? Well, our colleague Matty loved this book so much she couldn't stop recommending it to anyone within earshot, customers and staff members [...]

I: ABC Top 5 2024: Lauren, Bob and Else

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, [...]

Farewell ABC Staff Picks

By Lília All good things must come to an end. And so, we say goodbye to our ABC Staff Picks on YouTube. Thanks to everyone who watched us over the years. A big thanks to hosts Luke and Iris and all our expert booksellers who have given [...]

Summery Reads recommended by us!

After a year and a half of autumn, the sun and the warmth are beginning to show their faces, and I, for one, couldn't be happier! For me, summer is the ultimate reading time: the sunlight, the long days, the birdsong - it all whispers "find a shady spot, wiggle your [...]

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