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Manga madness Q3 2022

And here we are with the highly anticipated Manga titles coming out in July, August and September. As usual, we have a list featuring new series and another with new issues from ongoing series. We even have a couple of stand-alone titles this time around! New Series [...]

2022-09-08T12:12:53+02:00Tags: , , , |

Manga madness

Spring saw the release of a plethora of new Manga titles, both for new series and established ones. Here are our favorites. And as usual, if you can’ find what you’re looking for, get in touch with us and we will look for you! New series [...]

2022-09-08T12:13:24+02:00Tags: , , , |

Mangas to look forward to in Q1 2022

Mangas to look forward to in Q1 2022 I know of lots of people who started learning Japanese so that they could read manga. Many decades ago, manga were not translated into English. Eventually so many people were interested that some publishing houses finally decided to have them translated. Though there [...]

2022-08-27T14:31:40+02:00Tags: , , |
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