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ABC Bestsellers – January 2025

January has come and gone, and it's time for our monthly list of ABC Bestsellers. These titles are taken from the sold-books data across all 3 ABCs, and gives us an insight into the books you love (to buy, at least ;-)). The highly anticipated Onyx Storm finally arrived and became [...]

Bookbits for 5 November 2024

By Sophie. A special day today: it's my daughter's birthday! (If you thought I was going to talk about the U.S. Elections, see below.) - First up: ABC's co-director Martijn was a guest on the Bookshop Podcast! Listen here to hear what he has to say about working in the best [...]

ABC and the US elections

When President Biden withdrew as the Democratic presidential candidate, this year's US elections suddenly became a lot more chaotic. The new Democratic candidate will be chosen by the Democratic National Convention in August, and Vice President Kamala Harris—endorsed by Biden—is the current front-runner. Whoever is chosen will only have a short [...]

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