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Best of lists

Book-to-screen adaptations: The love edition

written by Lília With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we thought we’d home in on screen adaptations of romantic fiction. Because who hasn’t heard of or watched – maybe many times! –adaptions of Jane Austen’s books such as Pride and Prejudice and Emma, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre or Emily Brontë’s [...]

Black History Month at ABC: What to read

written by Natalia It is February, which means it’s Black History Month in the United States and Canada. Black History Month was first introduced in 1969 and has been celebrated nationwide since the mid-seventies. This month was introduced by Black educators as a way to celebrate Black culture and the [...]

2023-02-01T11:49:49+01:00Tags: , , |

Folklore & Fairy tale

Witches and the Folklore of Poisonous Plants written by Emma V Some of the most striking scenes of witchcraft in literature picture witches bent over a bubbling cauldron—from the three witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth tossing in ingredient after ingredient to cause “double, double toil and trouble”, to Harry, [...]

2023-01-13T13:56:45+01:00Tags: , , |

New year, new reads

written by Lauren The holidays are over, the kids are back in school and life for many is settling back into its less frenzied, everyday pace. With more time at hand and cold weather prodding us into a kind of cozy hibernation, January is the perfect time to dive into [...]

2023-01-13T12:11:28+01:00Tags: , , |

ABC Top 5: 2022 Edition

Here we go again with our 5(ish) favorite reads of 2022. We try very hard to keep to 5, but it’s not always possible. So, there may be 5 or 6, an A and a B list, memorable reads or just plain marvelous books. We hope you enjoy it and [...]

Have yourself a bookish little Christmas

written by Emma ‘Tis the season for Christmas standards including trees, stockings, presents and carols. But when it comes to books, we all have different tastes. That’s why we compiled a list of varied Christmas books for you to read during the holidays. Pay a quick visit to the world of [...]

2023-01-13T13:57:28+01:00Tags: , , |

ABC Staff Picks

written by Lília Halloween may be over, but we’re still in a ghostly mood. If you’re looking for some horror recommendations to counter all that holiday good cheer, read on… Syarah, from Amsterdam, recommends Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz. Set in Edinburgh in 1817, it tells [...]

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