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Lília was born in Brazil, worked there as a translator and moved to the Netherlands for love. It was her love for books that brought her to the ABC in July 2000. First buying Romance novels, then Children’s and YA books, then back to Romance and into new adventures about Fashion, Sewing, Psychology and all the magazines. 

In the Netherlands she also found love for sewing, is a certified seamstress. She makes bookmarks and booksleeves that are sold at the ABC under Lília’s Atelier brand.

She still loves reading and Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy and books about Fashion and Sewing are always on her TBR list.

Interview: Pauline Konink – Random House UK

As we celebrate 50 years of ABC, we’ve asked some people that have been working with us as publishing house representatives to share their insights into the funny world that is publishing and bookselling. Today we have Account Sales Manager Pauline Konink, who has been working at Random House UK [...]

2022-08-27T14:17:33+02:00Tags: , , |

Book-to-screen adaptations: Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

Books to movies - Bridgerton by Julia Quinn The second season of Bridgerton is approaching at a quick pace and those waiting for it to start, including myself,  are getting antsy. How to solve this? Read the books, of course. But, wait! Books?!? But Bridgerton is a TV series!  Most viewers [...]

2024-07-21T11:13:09+02:00Tags: , |

ABC Staff Picks February 2022

Here are our recommendations for February! And here we are again with a new episode of our ABC Staff Picks, with titles that have been recently released, will come out shortly, or we’re just simply really excited about. Today we present 9 very different titles, from Crafts, to Sci-Fi, middle-grade and even [...]

2023-04-06T12:02:31+02:00Tags: , , |

New Year, New Skill: The Craft Of Sewing

Learn How to Sew: Techniques and Dressmaking Don’t we all have those years when we decide to go for the New Year’s Resolutions and half way January we just fall short on our decisions? We want to lose weight, to exercise more, to stop smoking and such, but couldn’t follow up? [...]

2022-06-16T16:17:40+02:00Tags: |

ABC Staff Picks January 2022

Here are our recommendations for January! Our own Iris from The Hague and Luke from Amsterdam just started again with our ABC picks live videos, where they present the titles we’re most excited about. Titles that have been recently released, or will be released shortly, and what they are all about. [...]

2023-04-06T12:02:33+02:00Tags: |

Mangas to look forward to in Q1 2022

Mangas to look forward to in Q1 2022 I know of lots of people who started learning Japanese so that they could read manga. Many decades ago, manga were not translated into English. Eventually so many people were interested that some publishing houses finally decided to have them translated. Though there [...]

2022-08-27T14:31:40+02:00Tags: , , |
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