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Life as a Bookseller

The life of a bookseller is a multi-faceted beast that can be hard to explain sometimes. So with this category, we try to give you the reader as much insight into who we are and what we love as we can.

ABC Interview: Shirley

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk to Shirley, bookseller [...]

How We Do It: In-Store Displays

By Naomi It all starts with a dinner. About twice a year, the members of the display teams for The Hague and Leidschendam dine together to plan the in-store displays for the coming six months. The four of us try to have a plan so we know what we’re going to do [...]

2024-08-24T15:47:07+02:00Tags: , , |

ABC Interview: Emma

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk to Emma, our [...]

ABC Interview: Jilles

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk with Jilles, [...]

ABC Interview: Renata

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk to Renata, buyer [...]

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