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Crime Fiction

ABC Staff Picks: Season 4 kick off!

Luke and Iris discuss books and interview author Natali Simmonds. In the new season of our ABC Staff Picks, Luke and Iris are back discussing the books they and their colleagues are loving right now. They also interview author Natali Simmonds about her new book, Good Girls Die [...]

The King is back

And so is Holly! After playing a crucial second fiddle to Bill Hodges in the Mr. Mercedes trilogy and an impressive part in The Outsider, one of author Stephen King's favorite characters now has her very own book! Just released, the book takes place during Covid. When Penny Dahl calls [...]

2023-09-11T13:02:55+02:00Tags: , , |

Staff Picks: Summer 2023 Edition

Written by Lília In our summer edition of the ABC Staff Picks, the last of this season, Luke and Bella are back highlighting many different genres, including quite a few translated works. We also have crime, romance, horror, memoirs, fantasy, general fiction, art and more! Read on! Crime [...]

Staff Picks Spring 2023 Edition

Written by Lília Luke and Iris are back with our latest Staff Picks—those books we’ve been reading and enjoying or books that might be coming out one of these days. From escapism to information to music, there’s something for everyone. Starting on a happy note, Lília, our romance [...]

Death Deserved

"Oslo, 2018. Former long-distance runner Sonja Nordstrom never shows at the launch of her controversial autobiography, Always Number One. When celebrity blogger Emma Ramm visits Nordstrom's home later that day, she finds the door unlocked and signs of a struggle inside. A bib with the number 'one' has been pinned to the TV. Police officer Alexander Blix is appointed to head up the missing-persons investigation, but he still bears the emotional scars of a hostage situation nineteen years earlier, when he killed the father of a five-year-old girl. Traces of Nordstrom soon show up at different locations, but the appearance of the clues appear to be carefully calculated ... evidence of a bigger picture that he's just not seeing... Blix and Ramm soon join forces, determined to find and stop a merciless killer with a flare for the dramatic, and thirst for attention. Trouble is, he's just got his first taste of it..."

2025-02-12T17:49:52+01:00Tags: , , , |

ABC Top 5: 2022 Edition

Here we go again with our 5(ish) favorite reads of 2022. We try very hard to keep to 5, but it’s not always possible. So, there may be 5 or 6, an A and a B list, memorable reads or just plain marvelous books. We hope you enjoy it and [...]

ABC Staff Picks

written by Lília Nothing beats curling up on the couch with a blanket, book and (hot) beverage in the autumn months. We’ve got some great new titles for you spanning the genres—starting with true story-based fiction, passing through pure romantic escapism and falling finally into the magical world of translation. (You’ll [...]

The Maid

"The Maid is Canadian editor and author Nita Prose’s debut novel. The main character of this entertaining murder mystery is Molly Gray, a young woman who works as a maid at an upscale hotel. Molly takes great pride in her work: she shows a flawless work ethic, tries to please guests, and is constantly striving to “return the suites to a state of perfection.” Her grandma was the center of her world, but since she passed away, Molly feels lonely and lost. Every day she returns with a sigh to the house where Gran’s voice echoes in the objects she accumulated over the years."

2025-02-12T17:56:16+01:00Tags: , , |
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