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Lauren is a journalist and columnist who has covered the Netherlands for TIME magazine, CBS Radio, CBC, The Chicago Tribune, Dutchnews.nl and others since 1996, when she made the move from New Amsterdam to Old. A former deputy editor of Time Out Amsterdam, where she wrote the family issues column “Domestic Blitz,” she lives with her two daughters and Jack Russell Lucy, who often become fodder for her columns. A podcaster and creator of content large and small, Lauren’s also written an award-winning screenplay that’s still searching for a producer. An avid reader, Lauren loves most to escape into fiction after long days spent in reality. She’s keen to be part of the ABC family, working on creating great content! You can follow her on Twitter @LaurenComiteau

Best business books of the year

Written by Lauren The Financial Times and Schroeders Group (investment managers) just announced the shortlist for their 2023 Business Book of the Year. The six finalists, awarded to the author(s) of the book providing the “most compelling and enjoyable” insight into the most pressing business issues of the day, include works [...]

2023-09-28T15:13:04+02:00Tags: , , , |

Queer & Pride in Amsterdam

Written by Lauren With Amsterdam's legendary Canal Parade capping off the city's Pride festivities this weekend, our Natalia shares her thoughts on what Amsterdam gets right and where there's still room for improvement. Born and bred Amsterdammer Natalia Lloyd has been working at The American Book Center in [...]

2023-08-05T10:24:42+02:00Tags: , , , , |

The International Booker Prize 2023: The Shortlist

Written by Lauren It’s that time of year again! The shortlist for the International Booker Prize was announced earlier this week, and its six titles include works from six different countries, two debuts, two languages new to the prize (Catalan and Bulgarian) and five novels by female writers. Awarded annually for [...]

2023-04-21T14:13:25+02:00Tags: , , |

New year, new reads

written by Lauren The holidays are over, the kids are back in school and life for many is settling back into its less frenzied, everyday pace. With more time at hand and cold weather prodding us into a kind of cozy hibernation, January is the perfect time to dive into [...]

2023-01-13T12:11:28+01:00Tags: , , |

ABC Top 5: 2022 Edition

Here we go again with our 5(ish) favorite reads of 2022. We try very hard to keep to 5, but it’s not always possible. So, there may be 5 or 6, an A and a B list, memorable reads or just plain marvelous books. We hope you enjoy it and [...]

Conversations with customers

Lauren Lauren is not only a customer but also our blog editor. She’s an avid reader, so when she moved to the Netherlands back in 1996 to work as a journalist, she just had to find the ABC. ABC Lília: Hi Lauren, great talking to you! Lauren: Thanks, [...]

2022-12-09T13:23:46+01:00Tags: , , |

ABC Ghost Stories

Our Halloween reading list It’s that time of year again: jack-o'-lanterns, ghosts and black cats hiding under flaming autumn leaves. Why not get in the mood? From ghost stories to thrillers, we’ve got your ghoulish literary cravings covered. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier A newlywed arrives at her [...]

2022-11-01T22:45:49+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Bring on the banned books!

written by Lauren Book banning in the US is on the rise. According to PEN America’s Index of School Book Bans, there were 2,532 book-banning incidents concerning 1,648 titles in the US from July 2021 to June 2022—almost half of them young adult books. The most banned books by far contain [...]

2022-09-29T10:22:13+02:00Tags: , , , , , , |
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