Lauren is a journalist and columnist who has covered the Netherlands for TIME magazine, CBS Radio, CBC, The Chicago Tribune, and others since 1996, when she made the move from New Amsterdam to Old. A former deputy editor of Time Out Amsterdam, where she wrote the family issues column “Domestic Blitz,” she lives with her two daughters and Jack Russell Lucy, who often become fodder for her columns. A podcaster and creator of content large and small, Lauren’s also written an award-winning screenplay that’s still searching for a producer. An avid reader, Lauren loves most to escape into fiction after long days spent in reality. She’s keen to be part of the ABC family, working on creating great content! You can follow her on Twitter @LaurenComiteau
Best business books of the year
Written by Lauren The Financial Times and Schroeders Group (investment managers) just announced the shortlist for their 2023 Business Book of the Year. The six finalists, awarded to the author(s) of the book providing the “most compelling and enjoyable” insight into the most pressing business issues of the day, include works [...]