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Social Science

ABC Bestsellers – November 2024

By Lília Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this [...]

III: ABC Top 5 2024: Simone, Sigrid and Tiemen

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, memorable [...]

II: ABC Top 5 2024: Isabelle, Steven and Jonna

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, memorable [...]

ABC Bestsellers – October 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

ABC Bestsellers – September 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

Feminism is for everybody

By Pleun Ready to dive into the world of feminism? We've got some must-reads for you in our Gender section! From bodily autonomy to employment equality, feminism covers a wide range of issues. It's about challenging inequality and empowering women. It's about making the world understand women don't want to take [...]

ABC Bestsellers – August 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

Back to the future: Swap the social posts for nonfiction books!

by Isabelle I think in this age of ample misinformation and short-form content that limits in-depth learning, it’s important to pick up an extensively researched nonfiction book once in a while rather than forming opinions based on click bait and shocking headlines. My personal interest lies in social science, particularly books [...]

ABC Bestsellers – June 2024

Here at ABC our experts always strive to bring the best to our customers and let you know what we love. We also get an inkling at what books you love through our monthly(ish) Bestseller lists, compiled from the lists of our three stores. We love to share this with you, [...]

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