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Bookseller, stock buyer, display maker & Girl Friday at ABC The Hague & ABC Leidschendam. Has been at ABC since almost the last millennium. Current sections under her care are YA, Politics & Current Affairs, Sports, Prizewinners, and Staff Choices. Loves any book that makes her think, learn, and look at life from a new angle, whatever genre. Cat person, feminist, easily bribed with Nutella, preferred state of being = barefoot in the garden.

Bookbits for 5 February 2025

By Sophie If these Bookbits appear a little disjointed, please forgive me: I've been counting books for the past 3 days on account of inventory and may still have little flashbacks (2-15-3 times). - Perhaps a little unsurprisingly, Publishers Weekly reports a spike in US sales of dystopian novels in January 2025, [...]

XI: ABC TOP 5 2024: Naomi, Sophie and Lília

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, [...]

Bookbits for 5 November 2024

By Sophie. A special day today: it's my daughter's birthday! (If you thought I was going to talk about the U.S. Elections, see below.) - First up: ABC's co-director Martijn was a guest on the Bookshop Podcast! Listen here to hear what he has to say about working in the best [...]

Interior Chinatown

Willis Wu doesn't perceive himself as the protagonist in his own life: he's merely Generic Asian Man. Sometimes he gets to be Background Oriental Making a Weird Face or even Disgraced Son, but always he is relegated to a prop. Yet every day, he leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here, too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy--the most respected role that anyone who looks like him can attain. Or is it?

2025-02-12T17:28:15+01:00Tags: , , , , |

ABC Interview: Sophie

We decided to play the Q&A game with the ABC staff, and asked all sorts of bookish questions. In the coming weeks we will be posting their (sometimes cheeky!) answers here on the blog, so you can learn a little more about us. Enjoy! This time around we talk to Sophie, [...]

Bookbits for 2 October 2024

By Sophie. AAAaaand the Bookbits are back, after my vacation last month. ^^ - Let's start off with a great interview by Booker Prize shortlisted Rachel Kushner which immediately made me want to read Creation Lake. - If you like to discover new writing talent, check out these 10 Promising New [...]

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