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II: ABC Top 5 2024: Isabelle, Steven and Jonna

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, memorable [...]

I: ABC Top 5 2024: Lauren, Bob and Else

We are back with our 5(ish) favorite reads (and games) of 2024! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s simply not always possible. So, per staff member there may be more or less than five titles, but there can also be an A and a B list, [...]

ABC Staff Picks: The birthday edition

By Lília Continuing with the celebration of our 52 years of existence, ABC’s Iris and Luke asked colleagues their book choices for the occasion. Most of them revolved around the lives of normal people in somewhat exceptional settings (reminiscent of ABC!), with overcoming adversity a prominent theme. No one chose it, [...]

ABC Staff Picks – Spring 2024

After a little time off to smell the spring flowers, we’re back with our staff picks! Luke and Iris love doing them. They get to ask our colleagues what they’re reading and loving and what our customers are enjoying. And of course, they get to talk about [...]

When We Cease to Understand the World

Fritz Haber, Alexander Grothendieck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger - these are some of luminaries into whose troubled lives Benjamin Labatut thrusts the reader, showing us how they grappled with the most profound questions of existence. They have strokes of unparalleled genius, alienate friends and lovers, descend into isolation and insanity. Some of their discoveries reshape human life for the better; others pave the way to chaos and unimaginable suffering. The lines are never clear.

III: ABC Top 5 2023 Edition: Steven, Sophie and Bob

Here we go again with our 5(ish) favorite reads of 2023! We try very hard to keep it to five, but it’s not always possible. So, there may be five or six suggestions, an A and a B list, memorable reads or just plain marvelous books. This year we’re presenting [...]

Staff Choices: what we’ve read and loved – Part 4

Put together by Lília Written by EmmaS, Bob, Isabelle, IrisM, Maria and Naomi. In this Part 4 of our Staff Choices we again present titles chosen by ABC colleagues, and everyone has their own reasons for loving them. Read on to see what they are. You might even find one or [...]

ABC Staff Picks: Season 4 kick off!

Luke and Iris discuss books and interview author Natali Simmonds. In the new season of our ABC Staff Picks, Luke and Iris are back discussing the books they and their colleagues are loving right now. They also interview author Natali Simmonds about her new book, Good Girls Die [...]

Staff Choices: what we’ve read and loved – Part 1

Put together by Lília Written by Bob, IrisW, Jonna, Naomi, Tiemen, Sophie, Jitse, Júlia and Lília Some of these titles were chosen by one or more ABC colleagues, and everyone gives their own reasons to have loved them. Take a look at what we say about our personal favorites. You might [...]

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