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New genre watch: Romantasy

Written by Naomi Recently, the Romantasy genre— a subgenre of both romance and fantasy—has experienced a big surge in popularity. This is in large part thanks to online reader communities such as BookTok, Bookstagram and BookTube, where readers can share recommendations and find like-minded people. A great example of the power [...]

2023-11-23T13:31:00+01:00Tags: , , , , |

ABC Staff Picks: Season 4 kick off!

Luke and Iris discuss books and interview author Natali Simmonds. In the new season of our ABC Staff Picks, Luke and Iris are back discussing the books they and their colleagues are loving right now. They also interview author Natali Simmonds about her new book, Good Girls Die [...]

Staff Picks: Summer 2023 Edition

Written by Lília In our summer edition of the ABC Staff Picks, the last of this season, Luke and Bella are back highlighting many different genres, including quite a few translated works. We also have crime, romance, horror, memoirs, fantasy, general fiction, art and more! Read on! Crime [...]

Staff Picks Spring 2023 Edition

Written by Lília Luke and Iris are back with our latest Staff Picks—those books we’ve been reading and enjoying or books that might be coming out one of these days. From escapism to information to music, there’s something for everyone. Starting on a happy note, Lília, our romance [...]

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