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ABC Staff Picks: Season 4 kick off!

Luke and Iris discuss books and interview author Natali Simmonds. In the new season of our ABC Staff Picks, Luke and Iris are back discussing the books they and their colleagues are loving right now. They also interview author Natali Simmonds about her new book, Good Girls Die [...]

Staff Choices: what we’ve read and loved – Part 1

Put together by Lília Written by Bob, IrisW, Jonna, Naomi, Tiemen, Sophie, Jitse, Júlia and Lília Some of these titles were chosen by one or more ABC colleagues, and everyone gives their own reasons to have loved them. Take a look at what we say about our personal favorites. You might [...]

ABC Staff Picks

Luke and Iris W. are back with our first ABC Staff Picks of 2023. Think cozy titles, biographies, science fiction novellas, a YA horror title and much more…. As the books buyer for Amsterdam’s film section, Luke chose two quite different memoirs from two famous authors. Both have similar themes about [...]

ABC Staff Picks

written by Lília Halloween may be over, but we’re still in a ghostly mood. If you’re looking for some horror recommendations to counter all that holiday good cheer, read on… Syarah, from Amsterdam, recommends Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz. Set in Edinburgh in 1817, it tells [...]

Daisy Jones & The Six

"There was Daisy, rock and roll force of nature, brilliant songwriter and unapologetic drug addict, the half-feral child who rose to superstardom. There was Camila, the frontman's wife, too strong-willed to let the band implode - and all too aware of the electric connection between her husband and Daisy. There was Karen, ice-cool keyboardist, a ferociously independent woman in a world that wasn't ready for her. And there were the men surrounding them: the feuding, egotistical Dunne brothers, the angry guitarist chafing on the sidelines, the drummer binge-drinking on his boat, the bassist trying to start a family amid a hedonistic world tour. They were creative minds striking sparks from each other, ready to go up in flames. It's never just about the music..."

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